Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
I combine my work for Hegarty Therapy with a role as a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in the NHS and enjoy the wide breadth of experience this allows me to continue to develop. I also have a Masters Degree in Speech and Language Therapy.
I have a particular interest in dysfluency (stammering) and have worked with clients ranging in age from 3 years to teenagers and have experience of providing both individual and group therapy for people who stammer. I have a positive attitude to dysfluency and believe that it is vital to help children focus on all areas of their communication to identify their unique strengths and abilities.
Having worked in a Language Unit for children with severe speech and language difficulties, I have in-depth knowledge of how to support children with a wide range of speech and language needs and recognise the value of working closely with parents and education partners to achieve the best possible outcome for each child. I also have expertise in supporting children who have Selective Mutism.
Additional Qualifications and Accreditations
MSc Speech and Language Therapy – City University London
The Lidcombe therapy approach for stammering
Michael Palin Parent Child Interaction (PCI) for stammering
Nuffield Dyspraxia Centre (NDP) – approach to verbal dyspraxia
I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and am a Certified Member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).